National Interfaith Week 2021
Reading Interfaith Group would like to thank our former mayor Cllr David Stevens for allowing us to hold an event marking National Interfaith Week in the mayor’s parlour.
This generosity gave a diverse group of faith leaders with an interest in interfaith the opportunity to meet. Some of our guests were very well known to us. Others needed to be introduced since they were coming to an interfaith gathering for the first time. Everyone was most definitely welcomed!
Some of our time together was spent in smaller groups to discuss ways in which we can support interfaith In Reading. We were also very aware of the need to support each other in multifaith and interfaith initiatives. As much of this process relies on communication, we began putting together a calendar of events for next year.

By 6.15 several of our guests were in a quandary because their parking was running out. Those of us who remained continued to socialise. We took photographs and chatted together as if reluctant that the meeting should end so soon.