Meet The Team
Meet some of the Trustees of Reading Interfaith Group.
Sarah Griffin

I’m the current and former chair of Reading Interfaith Group, prompted to involve myself one more by there still being a job to do. It’s a wonderful privilege to be living in the vibrant multi-faith, multicultural community of Reading where we have so strong a tradition of religious toleration. We are so privileged to be here. I have learned so much from my involvement in the Reading Interfaith Group. There have been many times when I have felt so privileged to experience such kindness and generosity from our supporters. For the future, I see we have a responsibility and an opportunity to set an example of friendship and peaceful pilgrimage for communities so much less fortunate than our own.
Dr Carol Boulter
Carol is delighted to be asked to be a trustee of RIN. Hugh her husband, who died in June, was past a chairman. She has been part of Hugh’s enthusiasm for interfaith dialogue and action since the start of their marriage 52 years ago, helping run interfaith projects in Slough and Huddersfield when they lived there and supporting Hugh in his work on Muslim/Christian dialogue. Carol is an academic and has worked in science education in schools and university. She has always had a keen interest in voluntary and charitable activity, and in the last few years since her retirement has been a trustee of several charities. She is particularly interested in promoting attention to issues for women and ex-offenders and in the language of collaboration.

Rev David Jenkins

I’m keen to be involved as a Trustee of Reading Interfaith Group having seen how valuable meeting and learning from each other can be.
It helps to contribute to a town’s well-being as we learn to respect each other and the faith that is central to our lives.
I am a Christian, a retired Methodist Minister, working part-time in Caversham, Reading and Basingstoke.
I initiated Interfaith work in Aylesbury and am glad to see a renewed sense of enthusiasm and purpose resurfacing in Reading.
Interfaith meeting, dialogue, hospitality, sharing and learning is of vital significance in Reading (the largest town in the country).
Emrah Sener
As a human being, we all get afraid from things that we don’t know.
This includes anything especially the people who are coming from different backgrounds than us.
And if there is any misinformation on top of it, our prejudices develop very easily. Then we start to build walls to prevent us from contacting each other. Unfortunately, this approach may end up with extremism and radicalism.
However, I believe the solution is not so far or hard. The easiest way to get rid of this thought from our minds is just try to listen and get to know each other.
Of course the first action is always hard and requires encouragement. I believe any action, event or initiative to encourage people to promote dialogue in community is really valuable and should be supported.
I’m a Muslim, working as a software developer and trying to involve interfaith/intercultural dialogue events voluntarily. So I’m more than happy to support the Reading Interfaith Group in any way I can.
I believe the Reading Interfaith Group will be the hope for the wider community in Reading to support peace and harmony and also to fight against prejudice

“My fundamental belief is that all religious traditions have the same potential to make better human beings, good human beings, sensible human beings, compassionate human beings.”
His Holiness Dali Lama (Buddhist Leader)